Applications Course Catalogue

Dr. Lara Abou Orm

Dr. Lara Abou Orm holds a Ph.D. degree in mathematics applied to mechanical engineering from Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, France, an MS degree in applied mathematics from Joseph Fourier university, France, and a BS degree in pure mathematics from the Lebanese University, Lebanon. Dr. Abou Orm is an Assistant Professor at the College of Arts & Sciences, Rafik Hariri University, Lebanon. She also taught at both the Lebanese University and Notre Dame University a variety of math courses covering wide range of topics in numerical Analysis, linear Algebra, calculus, topology, advanced statistics for business, Quantitative methods, and Advanced algebra. Dr. Abou Orm main research interest is in partial differential equations, integro differential equations, and stabilizations methods applied to Stokes and Darcy flows. Here research work is presented in different International Conferences such Aveiro, ECOMAS (Austria), FPCCM1, Auckland and published in International Journals such as Key Engineering Materials, and European Journal of Computational Mechanics.

Courses offered (2)

Enrolled Students (56)

Students completed Courses 33.33%


  • PhD in applied mathematics, Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, France.
  • MS in applied mathematics, Joseph Fourier university, France.
  • BS in pure mathematics, Lebanese University, Lebanon.

Teaching Experience

  • Assistant Professor, Rafik Hariri University, Lebanon.
  • Lecturer, Notre Dame University, Lebanon.
  • Lecturer, Lebanese University, Lebanon.


  • Assistant Professor, Rafik Hariri University, Lebanon.


  • Lecturer, Notre Dame University, Lebanon.
  • Lecturer, Lebanese University, Lebanon.


  • Sylvain Drapier, Guillaume Pacquaut, Nicolas Moulin, Lara Abouorm, Lavoisier. Simulation par éléments finis des procédés par infusion de résine, Julien Bruchon, pp: 383-393
  • L. Abouorm, N. Moulin, J. Bruchon and S. Drapier (2013). Monolithic approach of Stokes-Darcy coupling for LCM process modelling, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 554-557, p. 447-455
  • L. Abouorm, R. Troian, S. Drapier, J. Bruchon and N. Moulin. Stokes/Darcy coupling in severe regimes using multiscale stabilization for mixed finite elements: monolithic approach versus decoupled approach, European Journal of Computational Mechanics
  • L. AbouOrm, M. Blaise, S.Drapier, J.Bruchon and N.Moulin (2014). A robust monolithic approach for resin infusion based process modelling, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 611-612, pp 306-315
  • L. Abouorm, A. Dereims, S. Drapier, J, Bruchon, Moulin. Stokes/Darcy coupling: comparison of numerical and experimental results between coupled and decoupled approaches, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design journal – Elsevier



Business Statistics 1

Business Statistics introduces students to the fundamentals of applied statistics. Accordingly, students are exposed to the concepts of statistics as they are directly applied in solving business problems.


Fundamentals of Calculus

The course is largely an extension of basic calculus courses. Topics discussed include: Integrals, sequences, series, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, double integrals.