Applications Course Catalogue

Mr. Ramy Nafez Warrak

Rami Warrak holds a Master's degree in public health from the American University of Beirut and a Bachelor of Science in public health from the University of Balamand. Mr. Warrak is the Unit Coordinator at "ABAAD - Resource Center for Gender Equality," overseeing the project activities, evaluating overall progress on results achievement, and preparing a qualitative and quantitative report of the centers activities. Before that, Rami was the Program Coordinator of the Bkstatistics unit of "Connecting Research to Development." Mr. Warrek has conducted many projects for International organizations such as UNHCR, UNICEF, UNRWA, UN-Women, UNDP-ACTED, the Netherlands government, the disease control center, and others.

Courses offered (1)

Enrolled Students (1)



Foundations of Epidemiology and Statistics in Health Research

The course is indispensable to prospective health and medical researchers. The course describes the basic research methodology. This includes the formulation of the research question, sampling and sample size, formulation of the questionnaire, and addressing the research question. It offers an elaborate review of data processing techniques.